
Our AIMS are to:

  • support each church in the Circuit in the mission to which God has called it.
  • help everyone to know that they are valued, that each local expression of the church is part of the work of God’s kingdom and that God wants them to grow.
  • lead and develop the work of the church, including the Youth Project.
  • encourage and equip each church to explore and enable new and different ways of being God’s people.
  • recognise and encourage ecumenical working, enabling churches to have a significant impact on the local community.
  • encourage and enable working in the Circuit and local churches in ways that develop and use gifts and identify and share resources.

Recent Circuit mission initiatives include:

  • Ministry & Mission Grants to support churches in developing ministry and mission appropriate to their local church communities
  • Grants to support ecumenical mission activities
  • The establishment of the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre
  • Establishment of Mission Council 
  • Partnership working with the Church of the Nazarene to develop a CAP Job Club and the related ‘On Trak’ project
  • CAP Money Courses
  • Step Forward Discipleship Course

Circuit staff and lay members are active participants in the ecumenical evangelical network and local ‘Churches Together’ groups.  This includes outreach work with local schools and community groups in various parts of the region.